You can communicate with your Clearview Estates Board of Directors and the Architectural Control Board by attending monthly meetings, calling us individually by telephone, and by sending an email to one of our four mailboxes. You may want to ask a question, provide a suggestion, request approval for a home modification, inform us about a broken riding trail fence, provide constructive criticism, or any comment. Your email will automatically be received by everyone serving on the Board of Directors, ACB, or Committee.
To send us an email, simply find the mailbox address below which best agrees with your subject. Then just click-on the appropriate mailbox: - Board of Directors
Administrative, Financial issues, Legal issues, General questions - Architectural Control Board
Request new home construction or a modification - Landscape & Maintenance Committee
Riding trail fence, entrance sign, grass cutting on vacant lots or riding trail, fallen tree/s or limb/s - Rules & Regulations
Report possible violations, request additional time for correction, appeal an enforcement action
Please keep your communications respectful. Your email will automatically be sent to all Board members or to all members on a Committee. We will try to respond to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!
(Please note that by providing your email address you are granting permission to Clearview Estates Property Owners Association to use this transmission method for communication with you. If you wish to use another method to communicate or do not want a reply, tell us in your email. Also if you do not want us to use your email address, tell us and we will remove the address from our records.)
Revision date: July 19, 2022 TC